When looking for a job, it can be difficult to know how to express interest in a role.
The ways in which you express interest in a role can also differ depending on whether you’re expressing interest in a job that’s already been posted or whether you’re asking a company if they have anything available.
We’re going to run you through various ways you can show employers, you’re interested in working for them.
Tips to follow before expressing your interest
Before getting in touch with a company or applying for a role it’s important to undertake research about the business so that you can make an informed decision on whether you want to express interest in them.
Furthermore, no matter how you reach out to a company, whether it’s through social media, email or letter it’s important that you introduce yourself, talk about your experience and why you’re the right fit for the job.
You should also thank those you’ve got in touch with for their time and include your contact information and a portfolio where possible.
Expressing interest via email
Emails are a great way to get in touch with companies as it’s a quick contact method. When writing an email, there is a format you should follow so that it’s easy to read and appears professional.
The first thing you should do is make sure you use a professional and appropriate email address. You don’t want to be using anything like guineapigcoral@hotmail.com as it suggests a lack of maturity, professionalism and seriousness.
The format of your emails should include:
Example email:
Dear [Insert Hiring Manager’s name],
I’m looking for a role in [insert desired role] and was wondering if you have anything available?
When studying for my GCSEs I gained team working and organisational skills, as I put a study plan in place that included study groups to ensure I met my revision targets and goals.
I also learnt how to take responsibility for my own goals and actions, helping me communicate, plan and take initiative better within any projects and tasks I work on.
I am more than happy to get involved with any opportunities but would love to work within content or social media creation if you have anything available.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Many thanks,
[Insert your full name]
Expressing interest via LinkedIn
LinkedIn is another great way to get in touch with companies and see if any jobs are available. Through creating a LinkedIn account, you can message people directly to enquire about any job vacancies.
When sending a direct message there are a few things you should consider, including: